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Table 1 Diagnostic criteria for Muir–Torre syndrome

From: Well-concealed advanced duodenal carcinoma with Muir–Torre syndrome: a case report and review of literature

Group A

Sebaceous adenoma

Sebaceous epithelioma

Sebaceous carcinoma

Keratoacanthoma with sebaceous differentiation

Group B

Visceral malignancy

Group C

Multiple keratoacanthomas

Multiple visceral malignancies

Family history of Muir–Torre syndrome

  1. Diagnosis requires one criterion from group A and group B, or all three from group C, in absence of other predisposing factors, such as radiotherapy for childhood retinoblastoma associated with eyelid sebaceous carcinoma, AIDS, and Kaposi’s sarcoma (in which case neither the Kaposi’s sarcoma nor a lymphoma should count as the visceral malignancy), or nevus sebaceous (in which neoplasms such as sebaceous epithelioma are predisposed to develop)