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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: A case of transvaginal NOTES partial gastrectomy using new techniques and devices

Inclusion criteria

 1. Tumor size <5 cm

 2. Radicality by laparoscopic partial gastrectomy

 3. Female and multipara

 4. Age between 20 and 75 years

 5. No history of gynecological diseases such as endometriosis and ovarian tumor

 6. No history of abdominal surgery and lower gastrointestinal tract surgery

 7. No history of diseases that cause pelvic adhesions, such as pelvic peritonitis

 8. Provided written informed consent

Exclusion criteria

 1. Patients who do not correspond to the inclusion criteria

 2. Patients with severe comorbidity (liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, respiratory disease, blood disease, metabolic disease such as diabetes, etc.)

 3. Poor general condition

 4. Performance status of 3 or more

 5. Not fit to the protocol treatment by the physician’s decision